FAQ's - 75L Dual Zone FridgeUpdated 5 months ago
For more information on the 75L Dual Zone Fridge, please visit the product homepage.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I connect the Bluetooth app with my 75L Dual Zone Fridge?
First, download the 'KickAss Products Main' app on your IOS or Android device.
Open the app and find the device with the matching ID to your fridge (KickAss00xxxx). The four digits (xxxx) can be found by pressing the V button on the control board of your fridge. Once identified, selecting your fridge on the app with prompt you to enter a password. The password is '00xxxx', where the xxxx corresponds to the device ID you found previously. You should be all set.
Can the 75L Dual Zone Fridge run on 240V and 12V at the same time?
The fridge should only have one power source connected at all times. To change power source, please disconnect the current power source before connecting to the other.
My 75L Dual Zone Fridge temperature keeps going up and down by a few degrees. Is this normal?
This is completely normal. The fridge will cycle the compressor between each compartment to allow for minimum power usage when running. This results in the temperature varying by up to 3 degrees + or -.
Can I run just one bin on my 75L Dual Zone Fridge?
Yes, you hold the settings button and the up arrow to turn off the left bin, and the settings button and the down arrow to turn off the right bin. Repeat the process to turn the bin back on.
What is the override switch for on the 75L Dual Zone Fridge?
The override switch is used to bypass the control system if there is a problem with it (could be display board reading wrong temp for example). If the override switch is turned on it will run the compressor and fan at 100% cooling, to whichever bin the solenoid is open to at that time. Temperature is not regulated to the display set points in this mode.
How many amp hours does the 75L Dual Zone Fridge draw?
The amp draw of the 75L fridge will range from 3-7A depending on the temperature settings. The fridge will naturally draw more amps while initially cooling after powering on, gradually dropping amperage once maintaining the set temperature.
How much ventilation does the 75L Dual Zone Fridge require?
5 Inches of Ventilation is required around all sides of the fridge to allow for fresh air to flow into the fridge and allow for safe and efficient operation.